Friday, September 25, 2015

We FINALLY earned our mini party for the week with following our class' 5 rules! We broke out the parachute and look at all the fun we had!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Election Day!

We were learning about America all week. Today we learned about voting. After reading Duck For President.  We held an election to see who should run the farm.

Voting Booths

Waiting patiently to vote!

Casting a ballot

Choosing the best candidate

Casting his vote!

The "secret" ballot

Election Results
The people have spoken and Farmer Brown is the man for the job!

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Self Managers!

We have our first self managers!  They are super excited and I am so proud of them.  

Wednesday, September 2, 2015


We are busy learning in first grade!  We are learning our new first grade centers.  Check out our focus!
Finding sight words in sand bottles

Making words with magnetic letters

A "king" doing some royal reading!

Word hunting

We love reading in first grade!