Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Surprise visit!

We had a visitor come and check on us today.  He left us a note a present.  We also got some answers to questions that we sent off to the North Pole.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Fall Is Here

Fall is here!  We wrote a cinquain poem to welcome fall.  Here are some examples from the "poets" in our class.

Saturday, October 25, 2014

Character Book Parade

Character Book Parade was a success!  Lots of fun costumes and books!

Monday, October 13, 2014

Walk 4 Winkley

We had a blast running around for Walk 4 Winkley!  Thanks for coming out and cheering us on.  Bubbles, popsicles, and fun in the sun made for a great time!




Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Ice Cube Race!

We are learning about energy and today we used heat energy to melt ice cubes.  They all had great ideas for how to melt their ice cube the fastest!

Haley and Mya
William, Brendan, Jackson A.
Madelyn and Jackson T.

 Aidyn and Avery

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


We are using Dominos to help up learn dot arrangement and adding.  We learned the game of dominos today.  Watch out for some domino sharks at home!

Friday, September 19, 2014

Voting Day!

We have been learning about good leaders and voting this week.  After reading Duck for President, we held an election to see who should run the farm.  Here's  look into how our election went!

 The Ballot

Waiting at the polls

Making their votes count!

Such a big decision!
Casting their votes into the "official" ballot box

Farmer Brown won but it was a pretty close race!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


Even though it's only the 3rd week of school, we are all about learning!  Math is one of our favorite subjects and here we are in workplaces.



 Unifix Cubes


 Flip and Write


 Pattern Blocks


 Making shapes

Pattern Blocks

Geo Boards

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Supply List for 2014-2015

Dear Future First Grade Parents,

The 1st grade supply list is missing a crucial supply! If possible please send your child with a pencil box for the upcoming school year.  This will help your child keep their materials organized.  Thank you so much!

Ms. Tan

Monday, May 19, 2014


For the past 2 weeks your child has been earning "income" in class.  Last Friday, the 1st graders went shopping to help them survive on a desert island.  Using their knowledge of wants and need, they went to HEB, a clothing store, REI, and a toy store.  Today we played survivor to see who would survive.

Here are our survivors! They were very prepared and had all necessary items to survive on the desert island for an extended period of time.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Mighty Fine and Leander Library Field Trip

Our Mighty Fine Leader is Brady!  He is so respectful to adults and peers.  He is a hard worker who strives to do quality work every day.  He is helpful to others and a good friend.  Congratulations Brady!

Don't forget tonight is the Leander Library Field trip at 5:30 pm.  This is a great opportunity to get you child excited about summer reading.  The Leander Library is located at 1011 S. Bagdad Rd.  Hope to see you there!